Many people find it frustrating that people put up fake profiles at friendship portals. While pretending to be someone you are not is not the way to look for genuine friendship at a virtual platform, you also need to be wary about how much of yourself you should reveal at such a platform. Here are some points which help you take a cautious approach to protecting your privacy and identity.
Use initials or covert names
While creating a false profile is not the right way to try and win friends or dates at free dating apps, you have the option of not revealing your full name at such a site. As free sites offer unrestricted access to different people, being cautious in revealing your true identity does not have to be a wrong move. However, basic details should be correct such as your sex or gender, where you are from, educational details, work background and so forth. It is possible to give a true picture of what you are without exposing full details on your profile page.
Image of yourself
This is another issue that many have dilemmas about at iPhone dating apps. While putting up photo of another person is not the right solution, it might be wise not to have an upfront or clear image put up in your general profile page. You could put a distant or vague image of yourself where your profile can be made out but not full facial recognition. This will also prevent visitors to your page from trying to identify you through facial recognition software and finding you on social media pages.
Address and other details
Unless you have signed up for a paid membership at a reputed dating site that will keep your page views restricted only to paid users, you would want to veer away from revealing any exact information. Such information should be general and true but does not have to be accurate. Hence, avoid putting street addresses or pin codes, providing exact college or school name, name of the organization you work with and so forth. Contact details should be limited as well. Free dating sites in USA offer email accounts to users as well as chat forums through which they can communicate. That should suffice for you to get in touch with others.
The above points will help you protect your personal details and privacy of your virtual presence. Remember that free dating sites often lead to spamming attacks. Hence, it is best to seek services of paid dating sites.